Hope Children Home, Nakuru, Kenya

Help With Hunger By Donating Today!

Make A Real Change In Someone’s Life

Hello my dear Brothers and Sisters. I am Pastor Stephen Nyangoto Mogoi from Nakuru Kenya. I started working for God at the age of 14, when I was still in primary school. The Lord Has been so faithful to me all those years and I have seen a lot of his wonders and mighty work.
In Keyna, many children are suffering because they don’t have parents and some live in a poor family and cannot get the food they need. Some can have only one meal a day and some lack food completely and become street kids.

We have been helping these children for 43 years, when we started helping them with some food monthly. Since life has become so hard and expensive, there are many kids that we aren’t able to feed.
Problems that we are facing as Hope Family, include heavy rains that flood our home, a lack of clean water and not enough food.
Our prayer is to get a good dry place where these kids are going to stay safe. Most children are suffering from typhoid and malaria, because we have no clean water, we forced to use river water and rain water. 

Nutritional Food ($/month)

Cost to move away from floods area ($)

Cost of 10,000 liter water tank ($)

How You Can Help

Hunger Relief

Food is a constant cost. We are always short and the more money we have for food, the more children we can feed.


We need your help and support because there is a lot we are planning to do for the kids.


For your much needed donation, we can accept MoneyGram and Western Union. Please feel free to talk with us before you send your support.


Please help us get the word out! If you know anyone who would be willing to help, please send them our information!

Our Mission

Our vision is to meet the needs of the kids in the society helping them with food, clothes, education and a home so that they can achieve their
goals in future.


Necessary Needs for the Children:

Good Food

Good food for the childen costs $750 per month.

Water Storage

We need a 10,000 liter water tank to be able to store rain water for safe drinking. The cose will be $700.


The children are always growing and we are always in need of clothes for them.

Good Home

A good home where there are no floods. Buying the land and construction on a house will cost us $15,000. 

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